Wish List #1

The Fifteen Point Program.
(aka the quickest wish list I could think of.)

Well this is the list of the things I wish would happen anytime to me while I am alive or you know just soon.

  1. Get a car with my own money.
  2. Get a car owned by me anyway…
  3. Go and visit a lot of different countries like Argentina, Peru, Chile,Β  etc…
  4. Live for at least a week in any forest with around 10 random people where the chances of survival are high and there are lot of animals.
  5. Design plans for a building in Europe.
  6. Desperately watch a Manchester United match and meet Wayne Rooney.
  7. Sketch my mother’s portrait.
  8. Meet a president of any country that has participated in the UN.
  9. Meet my bestie – Rachna Tomar ASAP.
  10. Be a politician and change this world. (not gonna happen.)
  11. Make a band and; rock and roll.
  12. Learn different languages, like secret agents in the movies. lol.
  13. Go to a concert if I can’t do the 11th.
  14. Stay in Portugal, Spain, Norway, Sweden and Italy for one year each.
  15. Get my name registered in the Guinness Book of World Records for anything, I don’t mind even if it takes me to open 100 bottles with my ears in 60 seconds.

14 responses to “Wish List #1

    • Not as for now, I’m currently a student right now and I can’t afford anything of that, except I’ll sketch my mom in a couple of weeks and also I’ve learned a lot of languages for eg: French, English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujrati, Sanskrit. πŸ™‚ you should make a wish list of your own and post it, I’ll check it without fail.

  1. Ok, idea for the last part:

    Why not pick something mind-numbingly, absolutely boring, ensuring that no one else has or will do it?

    From watching paint dry and grass grow, to reading the complete back log of Hello magazine. Twice.

    Think about it! πŸ™‚

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